Tuesday, July 20, 2010


We haven't blogged in quite sometime, so here's what we've been up to...

Ethan and his Easter basket

Ethan was pretty excited about all the Easter candy =)

This Easter was Ethan's first time to dye eggs and he loved it!

Ethan got to spend time with his cousin Aaliyah.

Aaliyah, Khalil, and Ethan

Kelly and Me on my 25th bday.
We had sooo much fun! She and the fam threw a surprise party for me with a luau adorable! They made chicken and shrimp kabobs and punch and all kinds of delicious festive food. I love surprises!...and sisters! Thanks Kel!

Ethan helped me blow out the candles on my strawberry shortcake.
My mom always makes us a birthday cake and lets us pick whatever kind we want. It's one of my favorite traditions. Strawberries and cool whip...delish!

Me and my pop

My mom, me, and my sister Jill

Me and Ethan

Ethan and I went to Tugboat Island recently and right next to it is a free waterpark. They have a bunch of fountains and sprinklers to play in and I thought Ethan would love it. I was hoping we could play in the water and stay cool all afternoon....but he hated it. =( He wouldn't let me put him down or even get his foot wet, so we ended up sweating our booties off in the park. Oh well.

Ethan and I went to the mall with my mom and he was totally into the manequins. He ran up to them and starting holding hands! Haha! So hilarious! Every time he saw a couple of manequins, he had to stand between them and grab their hands. When he started paying special attention to the ones wearing lingerie, we decided that was enough fun for one day. What can I say...he loves the ladies!

Ethan got to have a sleepover and invited Aaliyah and Khalil. They were so sweet and well behaved, we can't wait to do it again!



Oh I love it!
I love when you blog.
Ethan, total ladies man &
YOU, mega cutie!
I loved the luah (how do you spell that?) theme! SOOO YOU!

Anonymous said...

So fun!! Ethan and his mannequins are HILARIOUS!!!

Brandon and Cari (Sellers) Murdock said...

oh, how i miss that boy!!! LOVE the post. it's always a treat to see that you've updated. oh, and i have lots of pics of ethan that i need to email you. i'll text you when i send them. love y'all so much!!!!!!

Kayla and Joshua said...

Aww y'all see, to be having a lot of fun!! You look super pretty in all the pics!!! I love Ethie bethie's huge smile! haha