Thursday, February 26, 2009

Here's what's up...

Soo...we haven't been on any spectacular outtings lately, but we're still having fun. Here are a few cute moments I caught on camera...


Ethan never turns down a piggy back ride, and his cousin Kate (she's 4 1/2) is always willing to let him saddle up. I guess you can never be too young or too small.

Ethan and Roman were trying to hold hands in the kitchen, it was so cute! Unfortunately, when I pulled the camera out, I got this action shot instead. I thought it was still worth blogging.

Here's Ethan eating some grapes and showing off his funny face.




Until now, the only sign language Ethan knew was the sign for "no".....hmm, go figure. BUT, with the help of my sister Sarah, and her little boy Roman, Ethan learned a new sign! He can sign "more", for more food whenever he's hungry...which is pretty often. :) I know it seems like such a small thing, but it really makes things easier when Ethan can communicate what he wants. He picked it up really fast too...seems like he was signing it the first day we showed it to him. I'm thinking that means he's a genius. Anyway, right now we're trying to use the sign for "drink"...well, it's technically "milk", but whatever . I hope I can teach him several signs while we're here...wish me luck!




Anonymous said...

I am so bummed b/c I just left a comment that got deleted :(

well the jist of it was
love signs and I think we need to send you to OHIO more often b/c I am loving all the blogging!!!

Sarah Lunt said...

Cute post! I love the pic of Ethan on Kate's back. I think I'll have to post that one on my blog too. Funny that you are sitting right across the room but I'm leaving you a comment on your blog.haha Luvs, Sarah