Sunday, January 31, 2010

Shangri La Botanical Gardens

This past Tuesday, Ethan and I went on a field trip with my family to Shangri La Botanical Gardens in Orange. I wasn't sure what we'd do there, but I knew Ethan would enjoy being outside. Well, I was pleasantly surprised that it was fun for big kids too! We walked along the trails and looked at the beautiful gardens. I'm not that into plants, but it was really pretty and peaceful. Plus, we had perfect weather (not too cold, not too hot...all we needed was a light jacket!). What more could you ask for???


Ethan and Me................Kelly and London
(and a HUGE piece of petrified wood)

Ethan and me in one of the greenhouses


Kelly and London.........Me and Ethan

Ethan loved the sandbox!

Ethan loved riding on Jake's shoulders (as opposed to holding his mama's lame........and embarrassing!)

Here's a video of Ethan marching and walking around like a crazy person. So cute!




How fun! I didn't even know about this place!

Brandon and Cari (Sellers) Murdock said...

so fun! you look absolutely gorgeous, by the way. or, should i say "gorgi-bouffer"? i love ethan's march, too. what a funny kid!

Sarah Lunt said...

Wow, I've never heard of that place either. Looks really fun. Your post made me crack up, "...only a light jacket." Ethan is is Baby L of course.

Love you!

Jill said...

Looks so fun! We miss y'all! Maybe we'll see you sooner than later!? ;)

Kayla and Joshua said...

Marianne that is SOOO precdious!! I miss ethie bethie!! He is so big! And handsome!! I love the video of him being crazy!! lol

Hey you look really pretty look like sarah!!!!!!!

i love and miss you!