Monday, January 26, 2009


Ethan's been on a good schedule for awhile now. He usually wakes up at 10:00 a.m., naps for 2 or 3 hours at about 3:00, and then goes to bed around 11:00. It's perfect for us because sometimes Jonathan doesn't get home until 10:30 at night, so then he can see Ethan before he goes to bed. Another reason I love having him on a schedule, is that I know when I get a break to excercise, or clean the house, or just relax. He's usually so good about naptime and bedtime, he almost never cries about it. I just tell him it's time to sleep, then I give him his blanket, and lay him in his crib. A lot of times, he'll take his blanket off my shoulder and put it in the crib himself! I guess that means he's ready for bed (and he knows he'll need his blanket for that). After he's been asleep for awhile, I go check on him to see if he needs to be covered up. Here are a few sweet pictures of what I see when I walk in...


He likes to chew on the tag, and he fell asleep with it sticking out of his mouth!





Brandon and Cari (Sellers) Murdock said...

Adorable!!! I can't believe how big he is. You have one sweet little boy there. Love you!!!

Melissa said...

That is great. I long for the day Grant will just want to take a nap. I love the pics of his feet hanging out of the crib. =) He's so cute.

Anonymous said...

I love schedules and I love nap time and I LOVE ETHAN! and his cute sleeping positions!

Jill said...

He's SO BIG!! :) I love his bedding too! So fun to see it again!

Sarah Lunt said...

So sweet! I can't believe he only takes one nap a day...Roman still takes two, almost two hour naps. I don't know what I'll do when he goes to one! Ethan's sleeping positions are so cute, love the tag in his mouth and he's feet hanging out of the crib. Can't wait 'til he takes the crib apart like you did!!!!