A- Attached or single: Attached, of course. I love being attached.
B- Best Friend: Jonathan, my sisters, my mom, and Caroline (she counts as a sister).
C-Cake or Pie: How can you choose? I love all desserts. Some may say I'm addicted. I'm actually in counseling.
D-Day: Probably Monday, because Jonathan's always off work on Monday's so that's when we get to do stuff.
E- Essential Item: My flat iron for sure! I would be a frizzy mess without it.
F- Favorite Color: I'll go with pink, but for some reason I find myself wearing black a lot. I just like the way it looks.
G-Gummi Bears or Worms: Worms, I love those Brite Crawlers at Wal-Mart.
H-Home town: Big V-town in the lovely Golden Triangle. Why do they call it a "Golden" triangle? No, seriously. (translation: Vidor, TX)
I- Indulgences: Going out to eat at Tokyo. They have the best sushi rolls. It's my very favorite.
J- January or July?: July, I like the summer because we can swim and stuff. There's just more to do.
K-Kids: 1...so far. I'm hoping for a few more.
L-Life is incomplete without: Mi familia. (That means my family, sorry, sometimes I speak Spanish without realizing it. It's the Mexican in me.)
M- Marriage Date: June 24, 2005. Almost 3 years.
N- Number of Siblings: 10. (2 brothers, 8 sisters)
O- Oranges or Apples: Apples. Jonathan and I discovered "Pink Lady" apples. They're the best. We just love 'em, and the name is cute!
P- Phobias or Fears: I fear lots of stuff. Like someone breaking into our house or something bad happening to Jonathan or Ethan, or my family.
Q- Quote: "It's soupa chocolatey!" - Travis Sellers
R- Reason To Smile: My sweet baby boy, and my husband. (He's sweet too, I guess).
S- Season: The one with my birthday in it. I guess it's technically not summer, but it feels like it. (FYI, it's this Saturday!)
T- Tag Three: Caroline and Cari, everyone else has done it I think.
U- Unknown Fact About Me: I have 3 tattoos. (Just kidding, I couldn't think of anything juicy). Hmm...my favorite bedtime snack is a half sandwich of peanut butter and honey. I always want that before I go to bed.
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: I'm a meat eater. Delicious!
W- Worst Habit: Getting in a bad mood when my plans are changed. I like to know what we're doing ahead of time. If things don't go as planned, I get bummed. Very bummed.
X-Rays or Ultrasounds: Ultrasounds. That's the best part of being pregnant!
Y-Your favorite food: Peter Pan peanut butter, and dark chocolate. (Yes, it must be Peter Pan).
Z- Zodiac Sign: Gemini. I know nothing about Zodiac signs. I don't see the point.