Sunday, May 25, 2008

The ABC's of me

A- Attached or single: Attached, of course. I love being attached.
B- Best Friend: Jonathan, my sisters, my mom, and Caroline (she counts as a sister).
C-Cake or Pie: How can you choose? I love all desserts. Some may say I'm addicted. I'm actually in counseling.
D-Day: Probably Monday, because Jonathan's always off work on Monday's so that's when we get to do stuff.
E- Essential Item: My flat iron for sure! I would be a frizzy mess without it.
F- Favorite Color: I'll go with pink, but for some reason I find myself wearing black a lot. I just like the way it looks.
G-Gummi Bears or Worms: Worms, I love those Brite Crawlers at Wal-Mart.
H-Home town: Big V-town in the lovely Golden Triangle. Why do they call it a "Golden" triangle? No, seriously. (translation: Vidor, TX)
I- Indulgences: Going out to eat at Tokyo. They have the best sushi rolls. It's my very favorite.
J- January or July?: July, I like the summer because we can swim and stuff. There's just more to do.
K-Kids: far. I'm hoping for a few more.
L-Life is incomplete without: Mi familia. (That means my family, sorry, sometimes I speak Spanish without realizing it. It's the Mexican in me.)
M- Marriage Date: June 24, 2005. Almost 3 years.
N- Number of Siblings: 10. (2 brothers, 8 sisters)
O- Oranges or Apples: Apples. Jonathan and I discovered "Pink Lady" apples. They're the best. We just love 'em, and the name is cute!
P- Phobias or Fears: I fear lots of stuff. Like someone breaking into our house or something bad happening to Jonathan or Ethan, or my family.
Q- Quote: "It's soupa chocolatey!" - Travis Sellers
R- Reason To Smile: My sweet baby boy, and my husband. (He's sweet too, I guess).
S- Season: The one with my birthday in it. I guess it's technically not summer, but it feels like it. (FYI, it's this Saturday!)
T- Tag Three: Caroline and Cari, everyone else has done it I think.
U- Unknown Fact About Me: I have 3 tattoos. (Just kidding, I couldn't think of anything juicy). favorite bedtime snack is a half sandwich of peanut butter and honey. I always want that before I go to bed.
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: I'm a meat eater. Delicious!
W- Worst Habit: Getting in a bad mood when my plans are changed. I like to know what we're doing ahead of time. If things don't go as planned, I get bummed. Very bummed.
X-Rays or Ultrasounds: Ultrasounds. That's the best part of being pregnant!
Y-Your favorite food: Peter Pan peanut butter, and dark chocolate. (Yes, it must be Peter Pan).
Z- Zodiac Sign: Gemini. I know nothing about Zodiac signs. I don't see the point.


Rachel S. said...

that was good meam i liked it tell Ethan i love him good night

Anonymous said...

this is a fun one!
too bad about not having three tatoos that would be super groovy... haha totally kidding!

you are a fun one :)

Brandon and Cari (Sellers) Murdock said...

You are too funny! I hope Ethan inherits your wit. I didn't know that you could become Mexican after three years of marriage to one. Good to know. I guess that means I've got Scottish in me now.

Sarah Lunt said...

so fun! it's true, you are witty!

emily paige said...

Oh you little Mexican you. You are too funny. Mmm pink ladies are tasty...I think I want one now.