Monday, May 19, 2008

Rolling over

Ethan has been able to roll over from his front to his back for awhile now, but he recently discovered a new trick...he can roll from his back to his front! Yea, Ethan! Every time he gets up on all fours and starts smiling, he's so proud of himself!


Anonymous said...

what a cool trick!!! and check out those leg and arm muscles! handsome!

Brandon and Cari (Sellers) Murdock said...

He's getting so big! He's gonna be crawling before you know it and going so fast you won't be able to keep up!

Rachel S. said...

that is just amazing that you told him to roll over and he did and Cari actually he sort of and crawl he falls a little bit but he crawled to me a little bit at Meam's house. Rach