Thursday, May 15, 2008

The water boy

Don't you just love those squishy legs in that tiny speedo!

This week we got Ethan a little pool and he loves it! Jonathan has tried several times to dip Ethan's feet into his parent's built in pool to see if he likes the water, but he usually starts crying because it's too cold. So, we bought a little inflatable pool and made the water shallow enough that it could warm up. It's obviously big enough for us to get in and play with him, and could easily fit a couple more kids (like his crazy cousins). I used to not be an outside person, but I'm trying to change now that Ethan's here. I think kids like to be outside and it's good for them, so I take him for walks in his stroller, and swing him outside at my in-laws. We try to go outside with him as much as possible, even though it can get pretty hot and humid. I'm kind of proud of myself, actually. Anyone who knows me, knows I don't like to get sweaty and go for a walk. I'm sure we'll get a lot of use out of the little pool this summer, so I'm excited about that. With all that time outside, maybe I'll start looking Mexican! (...hey I can dream)


Anonymous said...

kids and outside go hand in hand!

I wish I went out more. Our pool opens on Monday so maybe we will go there.

and brody had a bert and ernie speedo when he was little (cutest thing)

those pictures look so fun! can we come swimming sometime?

Brandon and Cari (Sellers) Murdock said...

Ethan looks like he is having a blast! Good purchase. I'm sure y'all will get your money's worth this summer. Good for you for making the effort to go outside more with Ethan. You'll be glad you did when he's old enough to play outside by himself and you have taught him that outside is more fun than video games and tv. You look great in the tankini, by the way! Love ya!

Jill said...

Looks like so much fun! Johnny wouldn't let us get one of those pools- he doesn't want to have to clean it! So we bought a sprinkler instead... hmmm. Can't wait to come swim at your place!

Sarah Lunt said...

YOu are such a GREAT mom! I'm serious, I don't know that I would take my kids for a walk in the Vidor sun but some of my best memories were playing outside as a kid. I agree that kids need to play opens up their creativity! So good job!

emily paige said...

Looks like I need to get one of those for the kids I watch this summer! Assuming that it's done snowing up here, that is. Ethan is such a cute little kid. He's grown a lot since I last saw him!

Rachel S. said...

Ethan is so so so cute in his little speedo suit with his chunky legs in the water he looks like he has Alien feet it made me and mom laugh so much